Why keep tuning down the damage output?

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Why keep tuning down the damage output?

Post by tacosashime » 14 Nov 2017, 16:52

Before when culling blade was area attack, at least it has a condition to make double damage. Now the warrior's whirlwind stats.....What the hell?
It used to be the best damage skill, now it's just a junk skill. I understand you want to make it more warrior fighting style, but now the damage is unwatchable. My critical damage is higher than it, and I have it at level 4.
I don't know why you want to lower overall damage output, skill damage and equipment, etc.
As another player's post stated, don't tune down the power to make it balance because it only makes higher level seems more and more mediocre. I mean, tune down if it's way overpowered of course, but it simply isn't to begin with. For example, I don't know you even bother to have epic and legendary tier weapon because their stats simply are unworthy of their tier title. They are not standing out at all.
Please consider that in the future updates if you can. I used to give up playing other games to play this one, but the recent couple updates just make the game experience less and less enjoyable.

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Joined: 07 Nov 2017, 17:02

Re: Why keep tuning down the damage output?

Post by Revelik » 22 Nov 2017, 07:58

So true, all of it.

I changed my warrior to paladin after the change. And Heaven crozier is just disappoijting. If it is the same for all legendaries, then "go rune sword"!

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