Multiple thoughts... I will try to keep them itemized

A new 3D sci-fi strategy title developed by Gamenami. The game is still in beta but if you like lazors, play Star Battleships.
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Multiple thoughts... I will try to keep them itemized

Post by Jakkanadar » 21 Apr 2016, 18:01

First and foremost... Your monetary system is too slow. Credits are gained with very little consistency of advancement... modules do not sell for nearly what they are worth. I would recommend a sliding scale for sorties... a fixed amount, augmented by level. Modules being worth 100 at one star, augmented by the level of the gear... say 50 per level. Two stars... 200 plus 100 per level and so on.

Next item... the ability to shop for modules for credits and/or minerals rather than just unobtainium. As well as select modules rather than just random selection.

Third... add a friends list where we can challenge our buddies' fleets. Which would allow for module trading and sales between players also.

Fourth... more ships... or perhaps multiple versions of the ships you already have. I.E. secondary stats (offensive, defensive and support) and secondary specials to match their roles. You already have the setup in place. Using the customize feature, you could have the stats meet up with the skins... also on a side note. Why do purely aesthetic skins cost unobtainium?

Fifth... synergy with other ships. Pairs or trios that get bonuses when working together. For example... a support version of the vertigo, stacking it's physical damage to the energy damage of the scorpion's special. .. there would have to be a balancing downside obviously, perhaps doubling their respective cooldowns or the like.

Thank you for your time developers.

Loyal player,

Last edited by Jakkanadar on 21 Apr 2016, 22:29, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Multiple thoughts... I will try to keep them itemized

Post by Jakkanadar » 21 Apr 2016, 22:28

Another thought... achievements to gain unobtainium rather than just ten per level.

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Re: Multiple thoughts... I will try to keep them itemized

Post by Sulinato » 23 Apr 2016, 10:20

My suggestion, make some type of mission with higher drop of catalyst. now you can get catalyst only from blueprints and change to get it is pretty low, especially for 3*, ofcourse you can upgrading weapond and parts with other parts, but upgrading ships in this way is very slow and irritating.

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Re: Multiple thoughts... I will try to keep them itemized

Post by Khern » 23 Apr 2016, 12:36

>Sulinato : You can actually drop catalysts from everything, bounties too. But I doubt we are talking about the same thing (from blueprint ??).

>Jakkanadar : there some points fairly debatable in your wishlist. First about gold, at some point you'll be overflowing with it. It's just about time. Second, forget the trading between players : impossible to control, only problems for devs and a game where everyone would be maxed in crew and parts in 2 months.

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Re: Multiple thoughts... I will try to keep them itemized

Post by Sulinato » 23 Apr 2016, 16:44

Maybe you have luck in droping catalyst, but I had never get one from battle, I get only random drop from blueprints, in my whole game I get maybe 10 or 11 3* catalysts.

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Re: Multiple thoughts... I will try to keep them itemized

Post by Khern » 23 Apr 2016, 17:16

Okay I didn't understand you were talking about the 3 stars ones.

You got more of these than me actually, but if they are indeed rare, bounties and especially missions give me enough 1* and 2* to not feel depressed. So when you say "pretty low" I didn't think about these at all.

I mean in comparison, upgrading crew is way longer than upgrading a ship to 50.

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Re: Multiple thoughts... I will try to keep them itemized

Post by Speedway » 24 Apr 2016, 14:58


more Catalysts would be nice, but i really cant complain about the rate i receive catalysts.
i play this game for 3 month now and got something around 20-25 1*, 15-20 2*, 10-15 3* and 1 4* Cosmo Catalyst.

a Friendlist and module or shematics trading would be really nice but requires a cheat detection system or some bad people will make multiple accounts and trade with themself to push theyr mainacc.

Some type of fleet or formation bonus would be really interesting and could add a lot more strategy to the fights.
especially if an option to regroup the fleet during battle would be implemented.


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