* Crew Skill Balance changes - March 2016

A new 3D sci-fi strategy title developed by Gamenami. The game is still in beta but if you like lazors, play Star Battleships.
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Re: * Crew Skill Balance changes - March 2016

Post by Sulinato » 21 Mar 2016, 06:45

About Amber Ironforge, I think that the strategic and counter measures, for one player will be invincible, because he dont have proper weapons, for another it will little obsticle. 10minutes before my ship with amber on crew was easly destroyed in battle, so that no OP for me. This game is mainly about luck, and of course strategy. If you have find some good weapons, and you know how to used it for your advantege you can win. Of course if dont have luch and get a lot crap from battles and blueprints it is much more difficult.

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Re: * Crew Skill Balance changes - March 2016

Post by Gothmoth » 21 Mar 2016, 07:18

Jugarian wrote:I was thinking of using anti-healing weapons to counter it.. But now it was nerfed so bad. Il go back to a shield tanker again.. Well. The skill was overpowered for a 3* crew but for a same level players, I think it aint invincible... A little strategizing is what we need instead of brute force
Yeap, but think on fighting against two or more... Its almost a battle where you cant use your regular weapons.

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Re: * Crew Skill Balance changes - March 2016

Post by Crahh » 21 Mar 2016, 19:15

There is ability that recharge 10% shield on every hit up to 30% per volley (maybe im wrong, but its on 3 star charcter), many players have 2 or 3 of that type in fleet, i cant break through this ability with my current (level 1-10) weapons and regular attack, only focused specials work on such type of targets so maby you should NERF this ability too...

and seriously now,
i think, that you change abilities too hastily, one cry baby opinion (no offence) on forum and ability changed dramatically from strong to useless...

- first version of Amber Ironforge ability (10% hp recovery when atacked) was usfull but not to strong, it could be estimated as an average (maby even weak against highly leveled weapons) - with 5 atackers per turn it had potential to recover 50% hp

- version (if hp below 50%, 25% hp recovery when atacked ) was strong but with good tactics still beatable (some regular fire to take down shield and about 40% hp, then 2 or 3 special and ... **PUF**) - with 5 atackers per turn it had potential to recover 125% hp (if conditions are met)

- current version (if hp below 35%, 25% hp recovery when atacked with 2s delay) make this ability USELESS, 2s delay means 4 full rounds before ability can work again (with average ship speed 0,56s), so its now much WEAKER then first version - with 5 atackers per turn it has potential to recover 6.25% hp (25%/4 runds(delay)) - SUCKS LIKE HELL!!!

changeing skill potential from 125% to 6.25% is little to drastic in my opinion

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Re: * Crew Skill Balance changes - March 2016

Post by Junie » 22 Mar 2016, 01:19

Yurika? Shield only max around 10k. So 30% isnt too high. Need pace of shooting also which need fast engine to regain faster. Which mean depleting your fire power so bad. But hp of a ship can reach over 30k with amber old regen 25% immediately no cooldown when get attacked whenever < 50% hp conditions makes her insanely powerful crew. I dont think the complain was crybaby because it just making sense. I have 3 yurika began not use her coz it seem useless on higher level of combat which gun become more powerful and she drag the speed slower.

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Re: * Crew Skill Balance changes - March 2016

Post by Jugarian » 22 Mar 2016, 03:45

Yurika is not invincible! We have weapons than burn shields 10% per hit.. What yurika does is prevent criticals (but not with strong weapons that can easily burn your shield). It is a matter of sheer determination to be strong and strategize rather than feel helpless and whine. Ive been in this game for more than a year and I grind and grind to be strong without buying much unobtanium.. And now I can beat 99% in PVP... I used to hate the feeling of not beating the strong opponents but now? No more...

Tanks are really hard to beat because they equipped with the best crews for either HP tecovet, evasion, damage reduction, etc... Why not do the same??

Some people put defensive crews in their battleships such as amber. For me? Id rather put ocho estralles and kyle reaper for accuracy and crit. Add Kensei to the mix and amber will cry. And we have the click the enemy to see their skills.... It is made for a reason. Dont expect to beat everyonr in PVP if you dont effort in grinding, strategizing and reconfiguring your ships..

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Re: * Crew Skill Balance changes - March 2016

Post by Khern » 22 Mar 2016, 09:21

I was literally a cry baby, and yes my post first intention was to put the devs and others players in a thinking loop, not calling for a ban on the hero.

Like Junie said, at higher lvls, shield matters far less than HP (and armor). And you have better options to beat them than hp regen.

No offense Jugarian, but I played the game for 6 months, and from the start I could see who were the top dogs still active in the game from attacks on my ship and moves in bounties. I could count these on one hand, and now I doubt they are more than two people like you in the game. Would they all still be as dedicated (or just half as much) as than you now I doubt you would be winning against everyone. I mean you are a dinosaur there, the Tyrannosaurus kind and of course cheap tactics like can only bring excitement to your kind since you have to go outside of your routine to go against it.

My call was because I feared in the long term the game would have to revolve about hp regen Amber tactics, which we didn't have time to see explored to its limits and was already a pain to deal with without specific counter on an average level. I don't mind that, but if you go there at least give the tools to fight it. I learned a lot from your posts Jugarian and I thank you for that but when you say peeps just have to put 5 stars heroes to counter 3 stars ones, there is (was) a bit of a problem in my opinion.

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Re: * Crew Skill Balance changes - March 2016

Post by Crahh » 22 Mar 2016, 10:35

You right that version with 25% regen without delay was little overpowered ;), but current version still isn't well balanced.

there is four basic aspects of tank in this game
- shield regen
- hp regen
- evade
- damage absorbtion (resist/armor)
usually it's combination damage absorbtion , evade hp regen or damage absorbtion, evade and shield regen.

Before skill changes i used Ironforge(10%), Pablo, IV and ablative armor on Leviathan to maximize hp regen and damage (no evade, no big shield). It work well some people kill my fleet, some not so i think that hp regen potential wasn't to much overpowered.

Now, after crew IV skill was changed to boost shield regen (instead of hp), and ironforge nerf.

Let's check,
fleet damage potential: 5 attacks with average 4000 damage per voley with poor weapons that's 20000 damage per round

shield regen:
30% per volley (yurika) + 10% per attack (IV) = 40% shield regen per attack ship with shield 6500 (easy obtainable) can regen 2,6 shield per attack that's give us 13000 shield per round and it work every round so ship with 30k hp can survive 4-5 runds easily.

hp regen:
5%(pablo) + 5%(armor) +6%(ironforge 25/4 rund (2s delay)) = 16% hp regen per round
ship with 30k hp can regen 3000+7000 (only in first round due to delay) average 4800 hp per round and this tank potential is even lower because it not have a chance to regen something in second round so ship with 30k hp die in second rund.

All what i want to say is that shield tank is much more effective and hp tank won't work anymore with 3* crew after changes (i don't know all skills on higher * crews).

I will change crew setup, farm and level up new modules no problem for me, but this changes are first step to kill one of posible ship fitting tactics in my opinion.

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Re: * Crew Skill Balance changes - March 2016

Post by Sulinato » 22 Mar 2016, 11:03

I fully agreed with Crahh, I see that situation in diffet game, that I have playing over 2 years, developers are listening in that game players that are playing 1 or 2 moths, sometimes 2 or 3 weeks and it's killing very good game. Please do not make decisions too quickly with abilities.

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Re: * Crew Skill Balance changes - March 2016

Post by Khern » 22 Mar 2016, 11:50

>Crahh :

Both your builds are working with Hp and Shield Regen involved, but I won't put too much of emphasis on numbers of one particular case.

For example, as the Leviathan is a ship which special is HP reliant, I doubt you want to push the Shield way that far with her. Especially with the new buff she'll have (aim anywhere on the field).

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Re: * Crew Skill Balance changes - March 2016

Post by Crahh » 22 Mar 2016, 14:07

> Khern :

Yes, hp tank work best with Dreadnought class ship,
and shield tank work well with all ships type, and with small one even better due to high base evade and glancing hits.

Leviathan even with new ability to choose targets won't be game ruler in my opinion as Dreadnoughts special have poor damage, their role is protect others ship and absorb damage. 1k less damage in Leviathan special after switch tank to shield nothing changes. But that's not a point of crew skill balance.

In conclusion I just don't want play game, where at the endgame there is only one optimal ships setup with one optimal set of equipment and crew, i wanna have a possibility to check different configurations and choose best for my game style.

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Re: * Crew Skill Balance changes - March 2016

Post by Junie » 22 Mar 2016, 14:30

U can build also Leviathan with high evasive defence. Leviathan special dont use engine or weapon. Thats the problem is. Leviathan can have high armor huge hp also very evasive. If u gave evasive Leviathan an amber with 25% regen each get attacked. ??? how can u win against that?? crit dont work on glance.. remember? U calculate it wrong the damage received. Its ridiculous still argumenting old amber skill is not overpowered. Well it is.

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Re: * Crew Skill Balance changes - March 2016

Post by Crahh » 22 Mar 2016, 21:27

first version of Ironforge skill was 10% hp regen when attacked...
anyway it's not my intention to restore this variant of Ironforge ability to play...

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Re: * Crew Skill Balance changes - March 2016

Post by Sulinato » 23 Mar 2016, 07:34

Now Amber is like somene else wrote before useless, if she have cooldown 2sec, why need to chenge <50% repair 25% to <35% repair 25%, unless you are using Amber on dreadnought class ship, propably you rarely get <35% most propably ship will be already destroyed with heavy weapons. So maybe something between? <50% recover 25% when attacked and cooldown 2sec? Just suggesting.

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Re: * Crew Skill Balance changes - March 2016

Post by Jugarian » 24 Mar 2016, 10:41

Amber needs to be combo'd with Eric Brian Booster for her to really shine.. You can then add a third crew for regen/damage ignoring (like natasha artmenko, pablo or maybe duke).. The HP camp isnt that strong now.. Amber is useful now but not game changing.. Well. For a 3* crew that is fair but I second Sulinato's suggestion: <50% then 25% HP regen at 2 cooldown

@ Crahh

You are right... What made me work hard are some people that are really hard to beat. Lol. SYZYGY and Atletic are beasts in their own right that is why i tried hard if pure grind can make you strong.. And it does make you strong.. The only problem is limited weapon and crew choice for non cash players.

Regarding shield tanks for all ship types, The problem is with skills. Since they got lower HP, they will get eaten by Dark Matter Cannon+Ruby Ray+Phobos Skill. Not so with HP tanks which can absorb more.. The old amber regenerates 10% for every hit... That one is insanely imbalanced :).

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Re: * Crew Skill Balance changes - March 2016

Post by badar2 » 25 Mar 2016, 10:50

can top up with unipin?
there is an event http://www.unipin.co.id/events/read/id/1112

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