SH (Sledgehammers)

Mostly un-moderated and contains offensive material. This is the place for MAXIMUM TROLLING!! You have been warned. Don't ask for "add me" or help with quests or clicks; you will get banned. Clans can post recruitment posts here.
Quentin Joubert
Posts: 117
Joined: 19 Oct 2011, 11:46
Location: South Africa

SH (Sledgehammers)

Post by Quentin Joubert » 10 Apr 2014, 12:31

You have entered the Sledgehammers Battle Stations war zone! A Sledge is humble and helpful. We know the SIOS sky paths of values and norms, we sail those routes everyday.

Our values are

1.) Win Together
2.) Communicate Openly
3.) Inspire
4.) Focus on the captains
5.) Innovation

------ SHSHSHSHSH------------HSHS------------------HSHS

New Member Application
----STEP 1:----
Lvl 25 to 100 search and join STA (sledgehammers training academy)
Lvl 100+ search and join SH (Sledgehammers)

----STEP 2:----
Join the clan site page:

SH: ... ification/

STA is a lab, where we train you on the basics of the game. It is non competitive. SH is the main clan war competitive clan when you graduated by hitting lvl 100.

Why join the Sledgehammers?

* Are you experienced or just starting BS?

* Ship build & weapon advice from experienced members (since BS 1.0)

* Highly organized

* Help with questing

* 15+ week day war sessions per week

* Promotions for active captains

* We have a professor grumpy

* Free build optimizer by our developers

* Old School BS 1.0 clan

* We have 2 official clown masters (CM's) -Zen and Jin

* Non-merging clan

* Top 500 BS players

* Dedicated Clan site

* We have trine seekers club (does not matter what they do, they always hit the trine!)

* Dedicated Chat war room

* We have our own news anchor (SH reporter)

* Event assistance from you clan

* We have a pink Llama and his SW goes - bleeeeeeeeeeeeeep

* We have a build optimiser developer (Adia) and a build adviser (Dimi)

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CLAN STATISTICS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Sledgehammers - (SH)

Our current fort lvl is 300

We recorded 668 players playing in SH since inception and we are growing at a rate of 1 new active member per day.

Our top Gold contributor at No.1 spirit_soul is at 2.5B Gold.

We average 15 captains per war session during the week. 10 Players inside chat war room and 1-2 players at the application and 1-2 players on mobile.

SH has a 9 clan wins streak during auto salvage in tier B and 7 clan win streak in tier A. Our win streak during week clan war is 6

SH has a record of 16 Tier A clan sinks during a period of 24 hours

SH has fought in each Tier in SIOS: Training,D,C,B,A and Tier S

Our avg member lvl is 122 and we carried VERY ACTIVE war status since day1

SH has never lost its war status (pacified clan) or merged with another clan

We have warred in BS version 1.0 and 2.0 and 3.0

Formed on: 17 Aug 2009 we are one of the oldest clans in BS history

Our clan info: an epic BS old school clan: ... 6278342733
Last edited by Quentin Joubert on 14 Oct 2014, 10:03, edited 3 times in total.

Julian Rouisse
Posts: 31
Joined: 10 Apr 2014, 12:49
Location: Up, up and away!

Re: SH (Sledgehammers)

Post by Julian Rouisse » 10 Apr 2014, 12:51

Vault News Update: SH Piles up Gold for Super Weapon Upgrade. Its raining gold in Sios! Captains started to donate millions of gold to augment SH Fort Superweapon. Be afraid other clans, be very afraid. In other news, SH seen short of War Token for 230am war. With the huge amount of gold, SH couldn't buy even a single War Token!
- Reporting inside the clan vault, hey guys, let me out! - JR

Posts: 1
Joined: 11 Apr 2014, 09:37

Re: SH (Sledgehammers)

Post by Jinchriki » 11 Apr 2014, 10:02


    They lied about the cookies
    The pony wont give any rides
    There is no tacos or nachos
    I'm pretty sure the FCM is a witch/warlock/lvl 54 beer Mage....

There have been continuous attempts on my hat and the guy who makes awesome chinese food down the road life...

Im pretty sure one of their clown masters are watching me post this, they're always eyes...always watching and lurking in the shadows....... *cold shiver*

There is also a spy in their midst and yet no one confronts him for his filthy whoring spy ways...

They don't care about the corpses i leave for them to look after and they keep trying to go Breaking Bad, there is constant begging for funds, i suspect their building a doomsday weapon of some sorts which they probably wont even let me test :(

on another note while you have been reading this psychosis medication would of likely kicked in and i would have no recollection of typing this long post in odd colours that were mainly just to mess with all reading this also should we try to conquer Denmark ?

I am Sam

I am Sam
Sam I am

That Sam-I-am
That Sam-I-am!
I do not like
that Sam-I-am

Do you like
green eggs and ham

I do not like them,
I do not like
green eggs and ham.

Would you like them
Here or there?

I would not like them
here or there.
I would not like them
I do not like
green eggs and ham.
I do not like them,

Would you like them
in a house?
Would you like them
with a mouse?

I do not like them
in a house.
I do not like them
with a mouse.
I do not like them
here or there.
I do not like them
I do not like green eggs and ham.
I do not like them, Sam-I-am.

Would you eat them
in a box?
Would you eat them
with a fox?

Not in a box.
Not with a fox.
Not in a house.
Not with a mouse.
I would not eat them here or there.
I would not eat them anywhere.
I would not eat green eggs and ham.
I do not like them, Sam-I-am.

Would you? Could you?
in a car?
Eat them! Eat them!
Here they are.

I would not ,
could not,
in a car

You may like them.
You will see.
You may like them
in a tree?
d not in a tree.
I would not, could not in a tree.
Not in a car! You let me be.

I do not like them in a box.
I do not like them with a fox
I do not like them in a house
I do mot like them with a mouse
I do not like them here or there.
I do not like them anywhere.
I do not like green eggs and ham.
I do not like them, Sam-I-am.

A train! A train!
A train! A train!
Could you, would you
on a train?

Not on a train! Not in a tree!
Not in a car! Sam! Let me be!
I would not, could not, in a box.
I could not, would not, with a fox.
I will not eat them with a mouse
I will not eat them in a house.
I will not eat them here or there.
I will not eat them anywhere.
I do not like them, Sam-I-am.

In the dark?
Here in the dark!
Would you, could you, in the dark?

I would not, could not,
in the dark.

Would you, could you,
in the rain?

I would not, could not, in the rain.
Not in the dark. Not on a train,
Not in a car, Not in a tree.
I do not like them, Sam, you see.
Not in a house. Not in a box.
Not with a mouse. Not with a fox.
I will not eat them here or there.
I do not like them anywhere!

You do not like
green eggs and ham?

I do not
like them,

Could you, would you,
with a goat?

I would not,
could not.
with a goat!

Would you, could you,
on a boat?

I could not, would not, on a boat.
I will not, will not, with a goat.
I will not eat them in the rain.
I will not eat them on a train.
Not in the dark! Not in a tree!
Not in a car! You let me be!
I do not like them in a box.
I do not like them with a fox.
I will not eat them in a house.
I do not like them with a mouse.
I do not like them here or there.
I do not like them ANYWHERE!

I do not like
green egss
and ham!

I do not like them,

You do not like them.
SO you say.
Try them! Try them!
ANd you may.
Try them and you may I say.

If you will let me be,
I will try them.
You will see.

I like green eggs and ham!
I do!! I like them, Sam-I-am!
And I would eat them in a boat!
And I would eat them with a goat...
And I will eat them in the rain.
And in the dark. And on a train.
And in a car. And in a tree.
They are so goodm so goodm you see!

So I will eat them in a box.
And I will eat them with a fox.
And I will eat them in a house.
And I will eat them with a mouse.
And I will eat them here and there.
Say! I will eat them ANHYWHERE!

I do so like
green eggs and ham!
Thank you!
Thank you,

Julian Rouisse
Posts: 31
Joined: 10 Apr 2014, 12:49
Location: Up, up and away!

Re: SH (Sledgehammers)

Post by Julian Rouisse » 11 Apr 2014, 18:39

Fort Watch Update: Clan STA Claims 1st Sink Today 12 Apr 14 (Sios)
STA clan floats for the 1st time at Tier C by sledging HCZD clan making its presence felt in the world of Sios! Good job STA! Congratulations for your first Milestone! Captains gathering at STA Tavern and engaging in a well deserved "socialization" - reporting from a peep hole of STA Tavern :b - JR

Quentin Joubert
Posts: 117
Joined: 19 Oct 2011, 11:46
Location: South Africa

Re: SH (Sledgehammers)

Post by Quentin Joubert » 11 Apr 2014, 19:03

It is not a clan, we are here just for the coffee

    They lied about the cookies
    I put it to you, "was the cookie there, did you see it, was it possible that it could have not been a cookie, by yourself maybe or not maybe looking at it, and it was your version of what has been seen if you were or were not there," lady

    The pony wont give any rides
    We keep on telling you it is not a pony, it looks like one, acts like one, it ponies like one but it is not a pony and no it does not have your hat

    There is no tacos or nachos
    This is true

    I'm pretty sure the FCM is a witch/warlock/lvl 54 beer Mage....
    Yes but, i mean no i am ,..... wait what?