You wanted suggestions? Here's 10

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You wanted suggestions? Here's 10

Post by fleak2 » 17 Feb 2011, 19:20

i have 10 wonderful suggestion to make.

These first 5 suggestions is to help with administration

1) Remind the players before ANY changes.

Ultimately we players do not own the game nor the ship nor the weapons nor the OCHO items
BUT we decide if the game lives.

2) Other than announcing at the Discussion boards, announce it at the

- Battlestations main page ... _mode=fbml
- Ocho Forum
- Battlestations Facebook page

that is 4 places.

3) The current clan applicants reveal


So i would like to request, to also have:
Last Login
Last clan

4) The current clan page reveal

Last Login
War Status
Edit Rank

My suggestion is to change: Last login to, Last login (Clan war attended)

Criteria to be under last clan war, made 1 attack, had ship in clan defense AND salvaged when clan fort was salvaged

placing the last war attended in brackets to save space.

5) A mass message system for the Admirals and above.
Group the mass messaging by rank

messaging the whole clan last time was a chore. but i still clicked through 499 players and sent them the message

the rest of the suggestions are made to make battlestations more unique

6) Base Battlestations off its original setting and make a nice story to go wih it

Like some other online game, the moment you join, you HAVE to join a clan/guild/group.

This will prevent players from being... LOST. and that means u do not even need to reshuffle the items to be level based.

Battlestations is unique from RPGs cos each port specialises in some item type and also provide with some other parts.

with the ship now available to ALL ports... you lose the ship's original names which also showed culture and story and origin.

World of Warcraft is famous not only for the game but ALSO the background story.

7) If you want to make it foolproof, make 4 ports for each weapon type. the ship that supports them will also be found in the SAME place.

Port royale
City of light
Imperial city

Lock the lower then level 10s to Azure atoll.

Scatter the parts into 5 areas

Port royale
City of light
Imperial city

make Aeros a place where u refine ANYTHING

put ALL ICY weapons and parts @ Expeditionary Outpost

ALL super-weapons can only be crafted @ maelstrom

8) Preset more than 1 configuration per ship.

Here is what i mean.

when you save weapons and parts, have 5 or more preset categories.

Battle (offence)
Battle (defence)
Clan wars (offence)
Clan wars (defence)

simply put, your ship will swap the weapons and parts accordingly to what happens to it.
The hp shown on the top bar will show only scratched or damaged or full

so lets say u have clan wars and u lost protection, someone attacks you, they will meet with your new gear running at the same % hp left
maybe the only restrictions u want to make is it takes 1 second to reequip. so people wont abuse this during clan wars and swap between offense and defense quickly.

9) change capacity to manpower or energy

technically speaking. capacity is how much you can hold. BUT in battlestations, you practically hold everything you have in your ship and fly to wherever you need to.
So, if u say that a weapon is difficult to handle and you need more energy or manpower to run or make it work, it makes perfect sense why you can hold your whole hanger and fly around BUT only use those you have power to use.

10) Fog of war

What happens in fog of war? you cannot see.

So when you travel, you end up in... nowhere

When you explore, you find... Nothing

When you attack anything, you NEVER know their HP until you personally go there and see.

can you choose whose fort to attack? no. you might even hit your own clan... and that means u can purposely sink your own fort for... clan points

When a fort salvages... You dont know. until a bunch of ships fly in and hits the fort or defenders.

When you meet a defender during clan wars, there is no level restrictions.

You will not meet defenders that are not online for clan wars

the lower the level of the ship, the higher chance it has to DODGE a defender

First one to see the enemy will fire first. Attacker might become defender, different from preemptive. just like roll a dice, my number is bigger so i attack you instead of u attack me
good luck to attackers and defenders.

even during battle, u might not find a target. all there is in the battle page is a "find something to attack button". 1 AP for each no targets found attempt

The only thing that will not change is... mining / island.

Now this will look like fog of war

Now for the complains.

Apparently, MANY changes AND events have been happening behind the players back. cos it was announced one place and not the others. you have 4 platforms update them ALL not just 1,2 or 3

First, was the Battle Stations League: Season 1. posted in the battlestations main page 2 weeks after the registration was announced in the discussion boards. Leaving clans with only 1 week to reply.

Next, is the Elite Builds. Posted in battlestations facebook page, and ocho forum but not at the highest traffic... the main page

well i have nothing to complain about. cos the clan swept 2 of 3 prizes. the 4th prize for elite scout did not submit in time so that is why u dont have a winner.

The RARING of kraken shell has sniped the whole battlestations community. Indeed it was announced during the November/December update. but it was still changed stealthily.

The only hype at January 31st... was the gunship hp drop.

even countries fight war with minefields labeled minefield.

11) do NOT repeat this to kill your whole player base.

Here is some Known history of how player base is killed within a clan due to restrictions.

Firstly, it was the removal of 150+ players from the clan due to inactivity.
and actually alot more than 150 players have come and go in the clan. estimated 1k players in the 2008-2009 block. in this clan alone.

cos in battlestations,
you NEVER know who that person is in FB
BUT EVERYONE in FB knows who i am in BS...
Should there have been a way to contact them, you would not have lost that many.
Players still playing will bug those not playing to come back, and help out.

Next, is leaving the clan to be 1 Admiral, 1 inactive Clan master, 498 members after the inactive sweep.
Should there be no BS League Season 1, the current clan would have been 0 Admiral, ? members.

BTW we still have no FCMs so we cannot merge even if we want to.
But with 216 applicants... nah we wont need it. we dont even watch our clan power...

When a game loses new players, it dies. Dont try to prove this theory.


HCZD's Reviving Clan Master

Keatming Yong


Killer Lynx2
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Re: You wanted suggestions? Here's 10

Post by Killer Lynx2 » 18 Feb 2011, 00:09


This would be nice, but then again, people always complain.


I can read the forums. Best way would be to anounce things here. and leave it at that. Confusion would be avoided.


This too is a good idea


I support this, and no I do not believe an aditional row in the database query to become such a burden on the servers.

I also requested this to be added ;)


I liked the old system where ships were in different ports. MAde moving in the game also mandatory.

8) Preset more than 1 configuration per ship.

Hangas already has these.

9) change capacity to manpower or energy

Basicaly jsut renaming something, to something else. Why bother as it already works.

10) Fog of war

Waste of a good weekend in my opinion, most likely a really lazy idea from dev's that was stuck.

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Joined: 09 Nov 2011, 05:34
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Re: You wanted suggestions? Here's 10

Post by deadlySiobhan » 06 Jul 2014, 01:16

bring back fog of war!

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